Hi I am Aman,
A web3 Developer.

Working for a decentralized future.


I am a Computer Science undergrad at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) located in Bhubaneswar, India. From an early age I have been fond of technology and related stuff, with that eagerness I decided to start my graduation in engineering. I am a very experimental kind of guy, when it comes to trying new things I am always ready to lose on money. From my high school days I am closely involved in Android customization using Custom Android OS and other open-source OS sflashing and other stuffs, and using tweaked custom kernels to overclock processor frequency to make games smoother. It all started because I was annoyed of slowing down of smartphones by companies for their business,and the sluggish UI of the customized skin of Xiaomi's phones... oh God! , that is how I got into Custom Android OS and explored a lot about it in the forums like XDA. One can even run a 5 yar old phone without any issues with proper software, but if everyone is able to use a phone for more than 5 years..how will the companies get more money....and here comes their dirty games of slowing down phones.

After the completion of my high school, as a normal adult I was looking to make money side by side with my graduation time, so I decided to invest in stocks and that is how I came to know much about finance. As time passed I moved to crypto market for quick money. I was new and knew nothing about this market. i just bought a shitcoin for 5000 rupees and sold it at a loss of 30%, and that was the time for me to learn some lesson, learning is essential in every phase, it makes you know where you stand. As I started researching more about this market I started believeing more in this market not for money, this time, this time for the tech and decentralization. All our financial market are flawed and manipulated, and the crypto markets too, but some fully decentralized blockchain networks like bitcoin and ethereum are unique, and I belive future is now all about privacy, trust, and decentralization which is going to be web3.

My Technical Skills



HackerRank Problem Solving
Web Development-Johns Hopkins University
Blockchain basics and foundation - Consensys
Linux CLI Shell Scripting


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